Why the questions? We’d love to know what you want to achieve as part of this workshop. It will also help us to understand your current capability, capacity and your channel choice.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Business

    1. Why are you on social media? (Check all that apply)

    Other (please specify)

    2. What social media platforms do you have set up? (Check all that apply)

    3. How many followers do you have on each social platform? E.g. Facebook = 150, Twitter = 1,000, LinkedIn = 800

    4. Do you use a scheduling tool such as Hootsuite, Buffer or Coschedule (select one option)?

    4. What would you like to achieve from the investment in the workshop? (Check all that apply)

    Other (please specify)

    5. Let's understand your current capability. 
Check off the tasks you already do. (Check all that apply)

    Other comments? (please specify)

    6. Let's understand your capacity; In a typical week, about how much time are you prepared to allocate to your social media?

    7. What is the size of your business?